We specialize in the following types of Complex Appraisal Problems
Appraisals for Right of Way Acquisition, Eminent Domain, Property Tax Valuation and Litigation
Partial Takings
Easement appraisals for aerial easements, sewer and utility easements, temporary construction easements, slope, channel and standard highway easements and others
Corridors and Grade Separation Projects
Property tax appraisals for ad valorem tax proceedings
Conservation and Scenic Preservation Easements
Calculation of Damages to the Residue due to Proximity Loss of Parking, Change in Buildable Area, Changes of Highest and Best UseLimitation of AccessOther Factors
Litigation Involving Zoning, Eminent Domain and Ad Valorem Tax Values
Leased fee, Leasehold and Partial Interests
Estate Tax Planning
We specialize in the appraisals of the following Property Types
Special purpose properties including: Schools, Religious Institutions, Railroads, Municipal Facilities, Bike Trails, Camps, Junkyards, Crematoriums, Marinas and others
Residential properties including: high value homes, historic homes including Frank Lloyd Wright designed homes
Commercial properties including: shopping centers, malls, office buildings, small commercial buildings, and commercial land
Industrial properties including: small shops, warehouses, concrete batch plants, and manufacturing buildings